Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Scam Alert: A Young Man Named Afunsy Who Scams People Through BBM and Social Media Beware... Read Details

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The pix above is a young man who's name is identified as Afunsy, he going around scamming people on bbm and other social media, most especially guys. He uses a pix of a certain lady whom i assume he may have now some how, he talks to people as if he was the lady,get easily attach by telling a particular victim i love you and all just to get the person's attention,then start making all sort of demands,when you are now asked to call,he gives the phone to a lady and start telling her what to say from the background. Unknowingly to him,the number shows his real face on whatsapp. This is highly becoming of most young men and ladies who also uses this same medium to scam people,it must be stopped and they must be seriously punished accordingly.

Below are pix of the young lady he uses to scam and details that can be used to track him down... Please we should all be aware of cases like this so we dont fall a victim. see more pix and details below;
Displaying Afunsy
┃F┃june 16
┃Barca.JPEGDisplaying 1383773_697654690246844_1920434697_n.jpg

Scam tools;
*Name: Afunsy
*The Number: 08134608372
*Pin: 33330ab8

Please who ever knows this young ladty should inform her before her picture is use far for more implicating scam, plz who ever has more useful information on how to nail this young man should contact the number below .... 

Contact: 08188951362

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