Actress Stella Damasus reacts to recent discovery of a fragment of papyrus where is said that Jesus had a wife.
According to a Harvard professor, an ancient papyrus, which is written in Coptic and contains a dialogue in which Jesus refers to "my wife," has been tested and it was revealed that the document isn't a forgery.
But Stella Damasus is sure that if there is nothing about Jesus's marriage in the Bible then it's not true. And she pities that all that intelligent people instead of finding cure for HIV and cancer trying to discredit the word of God.
Here what she wrote on her Instagram page: "If it's not written in the bible I won't let any confused person tell me crap e.g "Jesus is married". Wish they would use all their intelligence and resources to find a permanent cure for HIV and cancer, instead of constantly looking for ways to discredit the word of God."
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